Returns and refunds

You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receiving it. You have another 14 days after cancellation to return your product. You will then be credited for the full order amount, including shipping costs. Only the cost of return from your home to the store are for your own account. These costs depend on the carrier you choose. Please consult the website of your carrier for the exact rates. If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the product will be returned to the entrepreneur with all delivered accessories and – if reasonably possible – in unused (new) condition and original packaging (see return conditions where the return must meet).

If you wish to exercise this right, please send a request of withdrawal to Please include the following information when submitting your request:

  • Your name and order details.
  • Date of order and receipt
  • Name of the item or SKU number you wish to return
  • Reason you are requesting a return

Once we receive the request from you, we will provide the address where you can ship the item to. Once the item is received in good order, we will process the refund. We will then refund the order amount due within 14 days of notification of your return, provided the product has already been received back in good order.

(It is also possible to download and fill out this model withdrawal form and send it via email,

Return conditions

You will receive a refund for your returned item under the condition that the item is in original and new condition (with the card still attached to the shirt). This means that the item must be undamaged, clean, unwashed, unchanged and unworn, and may only have been tried on to check for fit. If the item is still worn or damaged, we reserve the right to charge a reduction in the value of the product. So please treat the product with care and make sure it is properly packaged when returning it!

Return exceptions

A number of products are excluded from the right of withdrawal. These products may not be returned. The following products are excluded from the right of withdrawal:

  • Products that were made by the entrepreneur accordingly to specifications of the consumer; and
  • Products that are clearly personal of nature.

These are excluded from the right of withdrawal because these products are custom-made. This means that these products are produced to the specifications (wishes and requirements) of the consumer.


The legal warranty applies to our products. This means that you have the right to receive a good product. We strive to always deliver a good product to the consumer. If there is something wrong with the product after receiving it, the customer should report it as soon as possible. At the latest, within 14 days after receiving the product.